The sad news of local lollipop man Bill Wise’s sudden death last weekend shocked many Pencaitland villagers who got to know him well over the years. We can now report that his funeral will take place this coming Wednesday at Ormiston Parish Church. Minister David Torrance will be taking the service which begins at 10am.Continue readingLollipop man Bill’s funeral set for Wed 26th
Author: pencaitland
Pencaitland Community Council exists to represent the views of local residents about local issues that matter to them. This involves close liaison with other groups in the community and helps to develop a more coherent and dynamic village environment.
It is with great sadness that we have to report the sudden death over the weekend of William ‘Bill’ Wise, Pencaitland’s local Lollipop man.Continue readingPencaitland loses Lollipop man Bill
A series of live acoustic music events take place at the John Gray Centre. The first features Blueflint, Caroline Gilmour & support act on Friday 28th Sep.Continue readingLive Music @ John Gray Centre: Blueflint & Caroline Gilmour
113 Bus gets re-routed from this weekend
From this weekend the 113 East Lothian Bus no longer stops along London Road between Easter Road and the Elm Row roundabout in Edinburgh.Continue reading113 Bus gets re-routed from this weekend
Last week ELC Planning Committee voted down plans to build a wider footpath running parallel to the main road from the bridge, through the church and into the school.Continue readingPencaitland’s parallel footpath work grinds to halt
Berry bugs local villagers
You may be one of many unfortunate people with red whelts on your skin in recent weeks. If you have then chances are you’re suffering from Berry Bug bites.Continue readingBerry bugs local villagers
Each month the East Lothian Coffee Morning runs sessions on effective use of the web to promote your business. This month Facebook is under the microscope.Continue readingEvent: Facebook for SMEs @ East Lothian Coffee Morning
More pamphlets of Pencaitland turn up
Thanks to villager & community council member Phil Summerfield we’ve dug up some more leaflets from 1976 covering Pencaitland, it’s buildings and walks.Continue readingMore pamphlets of Pencaitland turn up
Interested in joining Pencaitland Community Council? Here’s your chance to help the community you live in and shape the future direction of your area.Continue readingCommunity Council Elections 2012 – Pencaitland really needs you
East Lothian Learning Partnership and Community Learning and Development Services have produced an information flyer promoting The Capacity Building Training Calendar 2012 – 2013.Continue readingCapacity building training calendar aims to match skills to volunteers