
Why not publish locally?

Choose a locally managed website hosting service? Locally grown, no nasties.Continue readingWhy not publish locally?

Adverts Buildings From the Archives History

Bands Who Played at the Victoria Ballroom in 1966

July 2024 The Victoria Ballroom(Photo) was converted in the early 1960s from being the gymnasium for the Castlepark Barracks into…Continue readingBands Who Played at the Victoria Ballroom in 1966

East Lothian Courier News

McDonald’s and Starbucks at A1 Macmerry Services set to open in August

A LONG-AWAITED new service station on the A1 which will feature businesses including McDonald’s, Starbucks and the Co-op is nearing…Continue readingMcDonald’s and Starbucks at A1 Macmerry Services set to open in August

Events Members Forum News

Visit to General Register House

East Lothian Antiquarian & Field Naturalists’ Society visit to General Register House, Edinburgh on 18th July 2024. Following on from…Continue readingVisit to General Register House


We’re meeting more… and having fun!

We met at The Harbour Chapel in both April and June to talk about what we are up to and…Continue readingWe’re meeting more… and having fun!


Bring on 2024!

We had a great AGM and Social meeting at the lovely Harbour Chapel, which, thanks to Ewan and Fiona, has…Continue readingBring on 2024!

New Village Hall News

Village Hall Planning Submitted!

After a lot of time and effort spent, OCA are very happy to announce that the village hall Planning Application…Continue readingVillage Hall Planning Submitted!


Welcome to WordPress 6.6

Create and deploy beautiful and coherent design elements across your sites with WordPress 6.6. Colour palettes and font sets Add…Continue readingWelcome to WordPress 6.6


All Change (in 2025)

Urban gulls shift the timing of foraging behaviour based on human activities, so when food resources become locally abundant, these resourcefull feathered beasts fly and feed

1,005 words, 5 minutes read time.Continue readingAll Change (in 2025)

News Pledgehog

Summer Sightings

Now it’s Summer, hedgehogs are now well and truly out and about in Dunbar with sighting coming in from all…Continue readingSummer Sightings

First things first

‘East L Go’ DRT 131 pilot ends

Please be aware that East Lothian’s pilot ‘East L Go’ DRT 131 service between Dunbar and Oldhamstocks ended on Friday…Continue reading‘East L Go’ DRT 131 pilot ends