
A Lithics Handbook

This handbook was created for Mesolithic Deeside to help the members identify and record the stone tools collected during their…Continue readingA Lithics Handbook


Stone Tools from Ness of Brodgar

  At Ness of Brodgar rocks from sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic sources were worked to produce a wide range of…Continue readingStone Tools from Ness of Brodgar

Lithics in the Landscape Mesolithic

Tuff, flint, and hazelnuts: Final Palaeolithic and Mesolithic occupation at Maryport, Cumbria 

Evidence for Final Palaeolithic and Mesolithic occupation at Maryport, Cumbria was discovered during excavation of Roman occupation features by CFA–Archaeology Ltd. A varied lithic assemblage…Continue readingTuff, flint, and hazelnuts: Final Palaeolithic and Mesolithic occupation at Maryport, Cumbria 

Lithics in the Landscape Mesolithic

Rhyolite exploitation in the Cairngorms

Excavations At Chest of Dee, Aberdeenshire have recorded the use of rhyolite for flaked stone tools during the Mesolithic, c.8200BC.…Continue readingRhyolite exploitation in the Cairngorms

Experimental Archaeology

Experimental Archaeology

A project in experimental archaeology, Avasjo, Sweden This involved a week in Lapland partaking of activities appropriate to a hunter/…Continue readingExperimental Archaeology

Ann Clarke

Ann Clarke MA, MA, MLitt, MCIfA

Hello I’m interested in stone tools of all sorts, especially those from the British Isles. The posts below cover commercial…Continue readingAnn Clarke MA, MA, MLitt, MCIfA