News News & Events Previous Talks

Society Talk Summary: The Republican Era in British History

A talk by Jonathan Cobb, Historian and Author on the Republican Era in British History was held on 16th November 2023…Continue readingSociety Talk Summary: The Republican Era in British History


John Knox

There is a memorial tree to commemorate John Knox, in Giffordgate, Haddington. The memorial stone beside the tree bears this…Continue readingJohn Knox

News News & Events

Town tours prove popular with the public

St Mary’s Church from Slezer’s Scotland ‘The Prospect of the Town of Haddingtown’ – 17th CenturyContinue readingTown tours prove popular with the public

News News & Events

YouTube videos: The Industries of Haddington

We are very pleased to make available two short videos about the lost industries of Haddington – click to view…Continue readingYouTube videos: The Industries of Haddington

News News & Events Siege of Haddington Research Group

Archaeology: Did we find Haddington’s Franciscan Friary?

We have documentary evidence that there was once a friary somewhere in the vicinity of the Holy Trinity Church, Haddington…Continue readingArchaeology: Did we find Haddington’s Franciscan Friary?


Programme of Talks for 2023-24

We are pleased to announce the programme for 2023-24. All talks from the 7th December 2023 will be held at…Continue readingProgramme of Talks for 2023-24

Around the County News News & Events

Geophysics Survey at Papple Steading, near Garvald

Volunteers from the Society joined forces with the Edinburgh Archaeology Field Society to undertake a geophysical survey around the remains…Continue readingGeophysics Survey at Papple Steading, near Garvald


Where in Haddington was this shop to be found?

Test your knowledge of the town to identify the location of Brook’s tea shop and warehouse from this old bill…Continue readingWhere in Haddington was this shop to be found?

Trustee’s Reports

Convenor’s Report Season 2022-23

20th April 2023 Membership numbers 88 Average attendance and guests 34 + 6 Membership numbers remain steady, and the average…Continue readingConvenor’s Report Season 2022-23

Around the County Resources

Mystery carvings came from dismantled royal church

Mystery carvings came from the Holy Trinity Church, Edinburgh There is also an interesting youtube presentation on the architecture of…Continue readingMystery carvings came from dismantled royal church