Abbey Church

The decline and fall

A potted history of the Abbey Church courtesy of Buildings at RiskContinue readingThe decline and fall

Abbey Church

A beautiful yard?

Those of you that have been paying attention will know about the progressive decline of the Abbey Church in Dunbar…Continue readingA beautiful yard?

Abbey Church

Abbey Church Dunbar: Listed building consent appeal rejected

Graeme Armet recently obtained planning permission to modify the Abbey Church Dunbar and convert it into a 5 bed-roomed home…Continue readingAbbey Church Dunbar: Listed building consent appeal rejected

Abbey Church

Local Review Body visit the Abbey Church

Consultees and Interested Parties have been invited to a site visit, which will take place this afternoon, Wednesday 29 August…Continue readingLocal Review Body visit the Abbey Church

Abbey Church

Dunbar’s lost history in the making: Abbey Church

Previously on Abbeylands I wrote about the plans for the Abbey Church to be converted into a 5 bedroom, 3…Continue readingDunbar’s lost history in the making: Abbey Church

Abbey Church

Bedlam Theatre and Abbey Church Dunbar

What does the Bedlam Theatre in Edinburgh have in common with the Abbey Church in Dunbar? Not much you’d think.…Continue readingBedlam Theatre and Abbey Church Dunbar