The OHS AGM will be held on Tuesday 10th October, and they need your support! The annual Flower Show is…Continue readingOldhamstocks Horticultural Society AGM
Author: gareth
The committee would like to announce that unfortunately, we have had to temporarily withdraw the Planning Application for the new…Continue readingHall Planning temporarily withdrawn
Did you know that East Lothian Council is putting together a 10 year strategy to develop our area, called a…Continue readingLocal Place Plan: Your community needs your ideas!
Highlights: Community meetings for the Local Place Plan were arranged. ELC have replied to the village hall Planning Application with…Continue readingCommittee meeting, September 6th 2023
Update on Fire at Landfill Site, Dunbar
An update from East Lothian Council: Good afternoon all, In addition to public communications the Council are about to issue…Continue readingUpdate on Fire at Landfill Site, Dunbar
Post-Flower Show BBQ!
To make the most of the day and the marquee, OCA will this year host a barbecue, immediately following on…Continue readingPost-Flower Show BBQ!
Highlights: The committee’s response to the land purchase offer made by Savilles has been sent, and we await a reply……Continue readingCommittee meeting, August 1st 2023
East Lothian Council are asking for your review of their proposed Dementia Strategy. Their message: As you know, dementia can…Continue readingEast Lothian Draft Dementia Strategy Consultation
Highlights: An offer of a purchase price for the village hall land has been received. The committee felt the offer…Continue readingCommittee meeting, July 4th 2023
Highlights: Planning Application for the village hall has been submitted! Still waiting for it to be live on the East…Continue readingCommittee meeting, June 8th 2023