Buildings Churches History houses Past Talks

Tyninghame: Landscapes and Lives – A Talk By Judy Riley

The second talk of the DDHS season was delivered by Judy Riley and enthusiastically received by the audience. The speaker…Continue readingTyninghame: Landscapes and Lives – A Talk By Judy Riley

Churches History Shops


The Society’s 2024 took place in the Town House on 9th April. Following the main business, there were short presentations…Continue readingDDHS AGM 2024

Buildings Churches Fishing From the Archives History Past Talks

T Wilson Fish: Dunbar Benefactor and Historian – A Talk by Will Collin and Gordon Easingwood

The February 2024 DDHS talk was on the little known T Wilson Fish, who was a benefactor and historian and…Continue readingT Wilson Fish: Dunbar Benefactor and Historian – A Talk by Will Collin and Gordon Easingwood