Events News

Incinerator Planning Appeal

Just when you thought it had gone away, Viridor’s planning application for a massive waste incinerator at Oxwellmains, at their…Continue readingIncinerator Planning Appeal

Food Gallery Vision

A Vision for a Sustainable Local Food Economy

How will we feed ourselves in 2025? What changes will we have made to local agriculture and food processing and…Continue readingA Vision for a Sustainable Local Food Economy


Keeping in touch

We are testing a new email subscription package.

Subscribe directly via the website (just enter your email) or by becoming a site member (existing members need not re-apply).

We hope it works better than the old version.
Continue readingKeeping in touch

Energy Enterprise Events Food

Festival Planning Meeting

Gathering In Festival & Local Market planning meeting for anyone interested in getting involved in this event on Monday evening,…Continue readingFestival Planning Meeting

Events Food Resilience

Incredibly Edible Dunbar and District

Are you making jams, jellies, pickles? Do you have extra produce from your garden or allotment you would like to…Continue readingIncredibly Edible Dunbar and District

BeGreen Energy

Local work available here

We are looking to recruit a number of ‘neighbourhood energy assistants’ who will be paid to work with the BeGreen…Continue readingLocal work available here

BeGreen Energy Enterprise Events Food Resilience

Coming soon….Harvest Ceilidh

BeGreen and Sustaining Dunbar are sponsoring  a Harvest ceilidh at Hallhill on Saturday 30 October 7.30pm -11.30pm.Tickets will be on sale at…Continue readingComing soon….Harvest Ceilidh

Events Food News Resilience

“Gathering In” Local market

Plans for the “Gathering In” local market event at Hallhill on Sunday 31October are taking shape. The event will run from…Continue reading“Gathering In” Local market

Enterprise Transport

Spare Wheels

Spare Wheels is going to be a Dunbar area transport club where local people will be able to hire the…Continue readingSpare Wheels



On Friday, 27th August the Dunbar Film Society will be showing the film Juno. It will be at 8pm at…Continue readingJUNO