EL Courier

Dunbar Harbour signs up for national recycling scheme

DUNBAR Harbour has signed up to a national scheme which has led to more than 90 tonnes of marine life-harming…Continue readingDunbar Harbour signs up for national recycling scheme


Dear members of the Dunbar community liaison group

Thank you to those who attended the recent community meeting at the Dunbar Town House. Fire investigation report For those…Continue readingDear members of the Dunbar community liaison group

EL Courier

Dunbar: Exploding lithium battery the likely cause of landfill fire

A LITHIUM battery was likely the cause of the fire at Dunbar Landfill Site, according to the group’s business development…Continue readingDunbar: Exploding lithium battery the likely cause of landfill fire

EL Courier

Dunbar landfill fire: Meeting to be held to present fire investigation

A public meeting to discuss the fire at Dunbar Landfill Site, and present the findings of an investigation by owners Valencia Waste…Continue readingDunbar landfill fire: Meeting to be held to present fire investigation


Invitation from Valencia waste management – 27th September – 19.30

On behalf of Valencia Waste Management, we would like to welcome you to the Dunbar Town House on Wednesday 27th…Continue readingInvitation from Valencia waste management – 27th September – 19.30


It is not a temporary cap

Many were wondering, hoping that the temporary cap at the land fill would become permanent. So we asked the question.…Continue readingIt is not a temporary cap

EL Courier

Craig Hoy MSP column: Lessons to be learned from fire

Last week, a fire at the landfill site outside Dunbar caused serious concern in the local community.  East Lothian Courier…Continue readingCraig Hoy MSP column: Lessons to be learned from fire


Capping nearing completion?

It looks like the capping on the MLR side is nearing completion. Unless this is a temporary measure to control…Continue readingCapping nearing completion?

EL Courier Updates

Dunbar landfill fire: What direction will wind blow smoke tomorrow?

A live weather map shows what direction the wind is set to blow tomorrow and over the coming days as…Continue readingDunbar landfill fire: What direction will wind blow smoke tomorrow?


Images of waste

The pile of waste at Dunbar is enourmous and worthy of monument status, the attached post has images taken from…Continue readingImages of waste