Potluck meal, film and discussion Belhaven Church Hall, Saturday 9th March from 6.30pm Come for the meal, come for the…Continue readingOnce You Know
Category: News
7pm, Saturday 9th March 2024, at Belhaven Church Hall A General Meeting of members of Sustaining Dunbar in order to…Continue readingGeneral Meeting
At the moment hedgehogs are usually still in hibernation (which generally last around 4 months from around December to March/April).…Continue readingHedgehogs in January and February
An invitation to participate in the upcoming East Lothian Green Futures Festival organised by the East Lothian Climate Hub. The…Continue readingEast Lothian Green Futures Festival
Highlights: ELC advised that we should hear back on the village hall pre planning application by 22nd Feb. Purchase of…Continue readingCommittee meeting, February 6th 2024
Man’s First Flight Over Everest
A new paper has been added to Articles of Interest that was written by The Rt Hon. Lord Selkirk of…Continue readingMan’s First Flight Over Everest
We are very pleased to make the following videos available to view. They include interviews, photos and original film footage…Continue readingEast Lothian at War: Rare videos now available on Youtube.
February Question The trace of one of a line of cottages can be seen in this Haddington garden wall. Where…Continue readingWhere can you find this line of former cottages?
Highlights: AGMs for both OCA bodies took place. Both committees were re-elected, with the welcome addition of Iain Blackwood. Major…Continue readingOCA/OCA SCIO AGMs, January 28th 2024
A talk by, Ian Brown, Curator at the National Museum of Flight at East Fortune, was held on 15th February…Continue readingSociety Talk Summary: Radar and the Air Defence System in Scotland