You spoke – and the council can help! Coming to a place near you shortly. The East Lammermuir Local Place…Continue readingNew (Dial a) Bus Service
Category: News
The Ridge is very grateful to have received support from the Tyne-Esk CLLD, funded by Scottish Ministers in conjunction with…Continue readingFunding: Tyne-Esk CLLD
OCA/OCA SCIO AGM announcement
OCA and (technically separate!) OCA SCIO are pleased to invite you to this year’s AGM. Please save the date! Sunday…Continue readingOCA/OCA SCIO AGM announcement
The postcard shows Abbey Mill pre-WW2 when its wheel was still in position. The interior fittings, and presumably the wheel,…Continue readingWhat does this postcard show and how has this changed today?
Unseasoned firewood sale on 13-01-2023
Calling all those interested in (unseasoned!) firewood logs. We are planning a sale (by donation) of green logs on Saturday…Continue readingUnseasoned firewood sale on 13-01-2023
More people have seen a hedgehog in Dunbar than ever before! It can be extremely difficult to see a wild…Continue readingHOGmanay Count
Our Pre Planning Application for the new hall has now been submitted to East Lothian Council. As per the advice…Continue readingVillage Hall – Pre Planning Submitted
New Year’s Day Gathering
Monday 1st January, 1 – 3pm, Village Hall OCA invite you all to celebrate the new year in the (old!!)…Continue readingNew Year’s Day Gathering
Samuel Smiles He was prolific Haddington author who advised his readers that they could save 45/- (shillings) a year by…Continue readingWho was the local author in our Christmas Challenge?
You may have missed this great online resource (click here). The tour was originally compiled by the now defunct Haddington…Continue readingOne you may have missed: The Official Haddington History Walking Tour